Beyond the burden of the body and dreams are not comparable at all

Summer with romantic lightness in the sky and butterflies in the transparent air is over. Even winter, when the strongest and most durable are born, is long gone. It’s a bit strange one gray morning to find your reflection not in a boudoir mirror, but in a puddle on the road. It’s a bit strange to get out of the shoes, because the road is usually easier to walk wearing shoes then barefoot. Shoes, boots, high heels, pointed toes, sophisticates or functional, are her weakness. It has always been so. But now she is beyond the weakness or the strength to bear the burden of body and its needs. She is where no one expecting her anymore, and even the wind has stopped blowing in her back. No one comes back from there, and there, dreams are not compared to a happy reflection in a well-designed interior. There dreams are not compared at all, they are selflessly carried as they are.

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